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Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hi!  Peoplepeep and Zoeyuluv here!!  We are 2 very proud Canadians who have now made this club!  If you want to join you MUST BE A CANADIAN.  To prove that you are one, you need to take the Canadian Club test.  If you get a score over 75%, you will become a Canadian Club citizen!!  Only read the below bolded text if you are a Canadian:

Ok so true Canadians will know something funny between Americans and Canadians... if you don't know what we mean, watch one of our funny videos - coming soon.  We will interview Americans on our chat for Canadian Club citizens, and Americans we are interviewing.

If you want to join us, leave a comment with a username you have (For example, Peoplepeep, Zoeyuluv) and your email address.  Then we will email you the citizenship test!  If you are an AMERICAN and want to be interviewed, and have your interview recorded, leave a comment with your username.  More Canadian stuffs coming soon!

-Peoplepeep & Zoeyuluv, Canada Club creators


  1. LOL I know what you mean... Slidoo's done it before... *giggle* Hey, you said I could be in it... can I still?
